Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mom Tip #1 ...

I know this is supposed to be a crochet blog, but I'm the author, so I get to pick what I write about. I'm also a mom, so I'm always looking for ways to clean things. Such to get marker out of my fabric sofa.

Now anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a little uptight (and I would say that's putting it mildly). Imagine this, we have been sick in my house for going on a month, stomach bugs, colds, strep get the idea. I'm also a full time NIGHT shift dispatcher, so to say that I am tired MOST of the time, is putting it mildly.

We (my husband and I) really don't care for markers in our house (that uptight thing again), however somehow my four year old found some, and in the middle of vacuuming my living room, laying next to the couch, I found a marker. Without a cap. It was purple! I may or may not have started to lose it for a second.

I tried Resolve Stain Remover, I tried Dawn... among a host of other cleaning products, nothing worked. After asking around I heard of using rubbing alcohol....really?? Well it worked! I just dabbed some on a rag, and then dabbed it on the sofa. The marker ink just dissolved!

So there you have it. Mom tip #1: Rubbing alcohol will take marker out of a fabric sofa. 

What are your mom tips?

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